The Golden Rule: Everyone is unique but no one is special. Everyone is expendable, even the Management Team. What matters is the Sim...
Welcome to Elysium and we are excited that you are looking to join our group. Before applying there is a few things we should go over.
First, by applying you are acknowledging you are 18+ as well as that you have read through the Rules page before applying. If you have not done so, it is strongly encouraged that you do so before continuing. Failure to read the rules is not an excuse for this Sim.
This Sim is different than most Star Trek Sims. There is a strong emphasis on narrative storytelling through character development and interpersonal interactions and conflict. We are looking to explore the possibilities of "What-if" and experiment with different scenarios outside of most Trek narrative RPGs. All players are expected to be accountable for their own actions, both In-Character(IC) and Out-Of-Character(OOC). The Management Team is here to help, but will not hold the hands of players.
We also do not adhere to normal hierarchy with this Sim. By continuing you acknowledge that there is a difference in leadership IC and OOC. The players of the characters that are in the leadership roles IC may not be part of the Management Team OOC. Please check the Sim page or Discord to learn who is apart of the Management Team.
As well selecting your position to play and help within the colony, you will need to select your faction. The factions are the ideology your character aligns with. These can change over time, but will require you to inform the Department Lead as well as the Management Team so that proper communication is shared with all players.
Starfleet: Your standard Starfleet officer. Idealistic, diplomatic, by-the-book, selfless, altruistic, disciplined, principled, follows the standards morals, and ethics of the Federation.
Calypso: A group of prisoners who believe in the ends justify the means, selfish, surviving by any means necessary.
This does not mean you cannot have a character with traits from both factions, but these should be your guiding principals and philosophy.
Then again, it's all a matter of perspective. Isn't it?
Your experience on Elysium is what you make it.
The Management Team
In addition, in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we do not accept players under the age of 17. Any players found to be under the age of 17 will be immediately removed without question. By agreeing to these terms, you are also saying that you are above the age of 17.